Project: ForceCube

Platform: PC

Mini Game

My roles for this game included:

  • Game designer
  • Scripter
  • Asset designer
  • Asset creator
  • Sound editor
  • Level designer


I wanted to create a game loosely based off how a Rubik's cube functions. I like the simplicity of rotating a cube to get to the end of the puzzle.

I also like the concept of being inside a cube itself and having the environment constantly change.

Here is a video of the final product.


This next section is a break down for the visual scripting I did, each section will be shown in order that they appear in the video above.

Each section will have an image of the scripting done in UDK's visual scripting application called kismet, then a description of each in detail.


This image is an overveiw of all the kismet done for this game, each section is organized and shows what they control.



This section controls what to do when the cube is inserted into the cube receiver.

Once the cube is placed, the script destroys the freemoving cube and unhides an attached cube inside the receiver

A sound and an annoucment plays that lets the player know that the portal is now open.

When the portal opens, a set of cubes are unhidden and collision is set at their location to block the player from passing through them.



This section controls the players inventory by adding the physics gun when the player is spawned. This also allows the player to still have the physics gun after the player gets killed and is respawned.

The second section of the script plays an anouncement.

Instructions are given after a short delay to let the player know what buttons to press to rotate the cube.



This section controls the button-press functions which allows the player to rotate the room.

Each button press toggles an animation which rotates the cube.

Each button press also toggles the button on and off once the animations are done playing.




This section was added to prevent the player from jumping.

I simply added a key button pressed script that has a higher priority and set it to do nothing.



This section controls the music player. A delay is set before the music player randomly chooses one of four songs. Once a song begins to play, an announcement tells the player what song is playing.

After the music starts, another announcement tells the player that the music can be changed by pressing the M key. Once presed, the random script runs again and chooses one of the four songs and plays the song title announcement for that song.



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